Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Blind Horse and Pretty: Revisited

I suppose that some of you may remember my previous post about Pretty and her blindness: . I wanted to revisit the topic.

Been thinking a bit about the vet's visit yesterday, mostly about Pretty. We've fully determined that she is moonblind in her left eye. I suppose I knew she was already going moonblind in her good eye (remember her right eye is completely blind).

Pretty Booking it in a Field, October 2010
At this point I'm not sure if it really effects anything:
  • she lives with her stud man, who protects her and guides her; 
  • the stud paddock is the safest paddock at the stables; 
  • she's only ridden by me anyhow, and we're best buddies (and wost enemies, but mostly best buddies); 
  • she still guides trails amazingly, probably better actually since she started going more blind because she doesn't fight me and just goes with my guidance
I am so glad that since my last note (ironically written about this time last year) she has found a new mate in Sierra. When Bubba died I truly worried about her. I'm so glad she paired off and can live protected in her paddock as a pair.

Tally and Pretty Cantering in a Field, October 2010
I'm also so glad that because she is infertile, she keeps the stallion company; meaning she keeps him calm, happy, contented and disciplined. This has given her worth to the stable beyond a riding horse and as a result she is guaranteed a space in the barn. For this I am also thankful for because I never want to have to make the tough decision to re-home her in particular. 

That said, I still am concerned for her, and I think of her often.

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