Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Negativity Towards Horses

The best horse in the world is the horse between our legs. 

I have noticed an immense amount negativity in the equine community from riders towards their horses. Riders should never blame horses but instead remark on the failure to communicate - a two way channel. None of us would ever blame our peers, our co-workers, our teammates in sports, our spouses and boyfriends the way I hear people casually blaming horses. 

Horses do not fail. Humans fail horses. 

Failure from a horse is almost always the riders fault for not setting the horse up for success. With chunked goals and good communication any horse is a winner. But with selfish expectations or badly timed cues, lack of finesse or brazenness a frustrated horse can become a scapegoat. Horses need to tell when riders are doing it wrong, their honesty is a teaching tool. 

When it is not the rider's fault it is still human error for not preparing the horse previously through schooling and conditioning causing the horse stress and frustration. Through less blame and more focus on physical and mental development (even within one session) a horse will relax and be a better teammate. 

We need to take ownership of our horses that we ride on. Syntax, sentence structure and spin can make or break a horse's reputation forever.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Showing and Competency

The desire of a rider to show or not show does not make them more or less committed. 

Just because someone wants to show off does not make them a better rider. Just because someone has a deadline for a skill does not make them a better learner. Just because a rider has more money or time does not make them a better horseman. 

Riding is about heart and many people's goals do not align with the industry and the prescribed pathway. This is something I hope Painted Bar Stables will always represents in the equine community.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Multiplicity of Right Answers

This is how I see it and how I explain multiplicity of right answers coming from multiple trainers:

Everyone has to have many tools in their tool box. Many tools do the same thing, for instance a socket set and a wrench loosen bolts. Both will get the job done but sometimes you need one or the other, depending on the situation. That's why you always want to make sure all your tools are ready and honed for the job. 

Not all horses and not all scenarios are the same. A good rider matches their tools with the day, the horse, the scenario and every aspect of context. 

Every trainer is right, depending on the context that only the rider will know.